Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yes! Blogging in the Classroom is Worth The Risk

Hi Class, 

Yes, blogging in the classroom is worth the risk. After reading the ISTE posted article, "Point CounterPoint: Is Blogging Worth the Risk?” I agree with the idea of responsibility and instant feedback, “we end up having to take responsibility for our comments, all the better! What better way to illustrate to our students that effective communication requires us to consider the effects our words.”

With blogs, students are on the court. They aren’t just reading about blogs, they’re blogging. Blogging is hands-on. A blog is a digital portfolio for students that applies to their world and their future. And, we can teach them what to do and what not to do, and how to handle it instead of avoiding the risk ourselves. It seems that we’d be irresponsible educators if we didn’t engage in, discuss, and model electronic communication as part of our society.

Yes, it’s worth the risk, even though Ms. Nielsen found that a blog, “places you under examination makes an already difficult job even more difficult and potentially jeopardizes job security.” I feel that Maxlow’s comment works as an effective counterpoint, “It would be better to retain dignity and integrity by finding employment elsewhere than it would be to work in such conditions.” I agree. It’s worth it, regardless of the risk.

This article meets NETS for students 6. Technology Operations and Concepts. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. a. Understand and use technology systems; b. Select and use applications effectively and productively; c. Troubleshoot systems and applications; d. Transfer current knowledge to learning; of new technologies.

Thank you,

Maxlow J. and Nielson L. (May 2009). Point/Counterpoint Is Blogging Worth the Risk? ISTE, 7 (36). Retrieved from 


  1. Hi Dawn~
    What an impactful point of view. The cooperative teaching skills provided to students in the learning community emphasizes the positive impact of blogging. I believe that it is an effective communication tool that provides "a digital portfolio for students", I like that statement. Nice.

  2. Hi Dawn!

    I agree that blogging is worth the risk! Responsibility is a valuable lesson, especially in regards to our words, and feedback helps students know if they are communicating effectively. What an awesome opportunity for students to express themselves and then share it with others who can respond! I also agree that teaching the students what to do and what not to do while blogging is so much more worthwhile than avoiding this tool because there are (avoidable) risks involved. Well done!

    Marissa Carney

  3. Hello Dawn,

    I did agree with many points James made as to why blogging IS worth the risk. However, I would still have to say NO and agree with Lisa. I don't think we should avoid Blogging by any means and we should embrace as educators and teach our students the pros and cons of blogging. But for open communication in a classroom I think there is a safer way to learn the benefits than using a blog. I really liked how you worded "A blog is a digital portfolio for students that applies to their world and their future." I agree with you and I think everyone should learn how having a digital portfolio can positively and negatively affect their future.

    April E.
